Monday, February 17, 2014

Religious Destruction of a Human Being

Someone close to me is religious. And it’s very destructive. It aches my heart to see someone as goodhearted as her to not be able to really comprehend the things she says about this world and other people. On one side you have an angel of love who is understanding, smart, goodhearted. On the other hand you have a twisted, bigoted, evil bitch who has God on her side.

Those Japanese fools got what they had coming. They deserve it. It’s God’s righteous punishment. –whenever Japan gets struck by earthquakes and all those horrible disasters.
They deserve it. It’s God’s will they got bombed. -whenever someone gets bombed and they’re not in the same cult as she is.
Russia is being punished for all the drugs they give to children. –wut?

Up there. Some of what my mother says. And every time she says something like this I am outraged. I never show it though. Inside, I am angry. But soon, that anger subsides, and it is replaced with pity and sadness. Pity for my mother and all the religious bigots out there who share similar behavioral patterns with her. And although I want to show her a piece of my mind, alas, I am too powerless right now. My survival lies with my parents for the time being. I am also afraid. Afraid that if I blow my casket and show her the things I understand now, she wouldn't be able to take it. All I do now, is wait for the religious storm to be over. Sometimes sniping in some witty remarks that aren't too confrontational. I believe that I will be able to fully speak my mind once I have my own place to stay and a job. Until then, I guess I’ll have to storm through it.

I hate talking about religion. I've had my fair share of religious debates and I am absolutely sick of it. But the environment I live in doesn't give a shit about it. I want to try and steer clear of anything to do with religion in my sacred blog but it will make some appearances at times. I'll try not to. Shit religion you, you! (Shakes fist)

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