Monday, February 24, 2014

Relationships of the Future

I think relationships in the future will radically change. With radical life extensions and morphological freedom just beyond the horizon, I find it hard to believe that things such as the idea of love, marriage, relationships and such will remain unchanged. They will be drastically different. We will be drastically different. I can feel the ground beneath us, shifting, writhing, and trembling. In fact, so different, I think, that it kind of scares me. Frightens me. But then again, I’m always scared. So what do I know, right?

Romantic relationships. Love. These things have always been with us. They are upheld with the utmost respect. They are the bane of life, the source of happiness, at the same time. We have ideas of soul mates, true love, and we like to fantasize about them. We crave them, and at the same time, we want them to go away, the feels. Such paradox. Much irony. So tragic.

In romantic relationships, at least from what I've seen and heard, a lot of people seem to be afraid of change. There was a short cartoon I saw, that basically said
“You have no idea, how scary it is, how frightening it is, to see someone you love so deeply, change ever so slightly, the way they walk, the way they talk, the way they stand, the way they breathe. You have no idea.”
As someone who has never been in any serious romantic relationship I find it hard to relate, and yet, at the same time, to a degree, I think it’s safe to say that I can understand what is being said.

Imagine a future, where people can die whenever they want; a post-death society. Your lifespan is not capped at a certain age. You can die and even wake up from death when you feel like it. (Whatever that means.) A society where death is nothing but a long sleep. A time to rest your consciousness. To shut out the rest of world. Couple that with technological advancements in morphological freedom, where you can change and enhance your appearance and nature at a whim, just like that, change is something that will absolutely dominate our lives. Change. Change is all there will be.

And don’t lie. I've heard people say they don’t care about looks. It’s what inside that matters, they say. I scoff. Perhaps it’s just me. Perhaps it’s just a naive young little boy who doesn't know shit. I actually care about looks. Looks, appearances, are one of the defining aspects of a living organism. Of a human being. Appearances matter. I care about looks. And everyone does. Why do you people keep lying? Oh, I don’t care about looks. It’s what’s inside that matters. Ha!

What would romantic relationships be like in a future where individuals can live as long as they want and change their appearances and nature whenever they want? I think I can guarantee you, that given enough time and the technological means to achieve it, a guy called Adam can walk across the land of the far future and emerge as a gal called Eve.

People will change. Drastically. And when romantic desires, love, and relationships all hinge on the expectation of stagnation, of unchanging love, of ever-love, what will become of it in the future? Can your love keep up with the change. Or are you too afraid? Will your legs give out? Crumble to your knees and get left behind?

“How long will you be by my side? Forever. Till death do us apart.” - what funny words to say.

Change. Change is all there is. Change is all there ever will be. I suggest you welcome it.

“Welcome aboard The Change, sir. I suggest you buckle up.” It cranks.
“Wha-?” I stammer. And it leans in closely. Right next to my ears.
“You’re in for a ride, boy. You’re in for a ride.” It steams. It pats my shoulders.

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