Friday, February 14, 2014

Part Man, Part Machine, All Cop

So here are some unregulated stream of thoughts that flew past me as I walked out of the movie having just watched Robocop (2014). Let me just say that I’m a big fan of the original Robocop (1987), and to tell the truth, I wasn't looking forward to the remake. Boy, was I wrong. I loved the new remake. It had some flaws, some problems with the villain, but overall it was a great experience, especially the sound design(the effects) and Joel Kinnaman's portrayal of our Alex Murphy, the Robocop.

Movie poster for Robocop(1987)

There was a scene where Robocop is being fed data from the police. All the files, footage, and reports needed to bring justice to Detroit. Tons and tons of it. Tons of information to bring crime down to its knees and blow its head off. Imagine how that must feel for a cop, who is filled to the brim with a sense of justice, motivated, strong, and driven. The ultimate cop. He says “I have to do something.” So eager. And I could really feel it. Inside, I was going “Oh, man… this is what all cops should be like.”

Raymond Sellars, the head of Omnicorp, is at trial trying to let his robots loose on American soil. The people of American won’t have that. They don’t like it. Why? According to one of the largest proponents of this anti-robot movement in America, it’s because robots can’t feel. According to this guy, they don’t have what we humans have; morals and feels. It’s all about the feels man. And that’s why we can’t have fast, efficient, lifesaving robots on American soil. They don’t have the feels…

And there I am, shaking my head, cocking it sideways. So typical. I mean, movies, come on, can’t you come up with something more compelling against the use of robots in law enforcement and military use. All you can come up with is ...“Because feels?”

Movie poster for Robocop(2014)
Why would you want a robot with unnecessary emotions to do the job of law enforcement? Why would you want an emotional doctor doing open heart surgery on you son? Why would you want an emotional soldier go into battle and have all of his teammates killed? Sure, emotions have their uses, and it’s perfectly fine to have them. However, you do not want them to hinder or cloud your judgment in certain situations such as law enforcement, military operations, or medical procedures.

There was also a scene of a protester holding up a sign reading “Robot’s can’t love like we do.” Here’s a question I’d like to ask that person. “Do you have any idea what love is? Come on, you seem to know all about this thing called love. What is it?”

A question I've always pondered on came up again. What does it mean to be human? It this even a valid question to ask? Does it have an answer?

And people seem to cling to this idea of emotion. They just love the fact that they can feel. They can’t seem to let it go. They just can’t. Emotion. Is it really that special? Or is it way overrated?

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