Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Intelligence Achieved Through Digital Evolution

I was lying in bed, and I started thinking about evolution and artificial intelligence. Biological evolution and artificial intelligence. Hmmmm….

Could we perhaps evolve intelligence by starting with simple self-replicating codes let loose on the internet? And maybe those codes, like biological life, reproduce, make copies of themselves with slight variations in their codes. Could a program write and repair her own code? Add more to it? Shed unnecessary code? Just like biological evolution. Maybe further along the line, after many generations and iterations of those self-replicating codes, some of them could start clumping together, building survival machines. Modular survival machines. What if those codes could communicate with each other? Swap this module out for something better suited to the job or environment.

A code that writes its own code, makes mutations to it, replicates, and propagates throughout the internet. A digital evolution.

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