Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Future Haven

The haven of my future. A place where I might be able to call home. Where I might feel at rest. Sort of like a vampire’s haven from World of Darkness. What would it consist of?

The Cold Room

An environment not connected to the net. It’s detached. Unconnected. It’s all alone. No wireless signals. No digital gadgets. Just old, comfy furniture. A place only I can access. This is my safe house. Or at least, as safe as can be. A place to hide. A place to disappear from the grid. From all the chatter.

Information Hub
Science Fiction Server Room by user Grimmsorg

This is where I ride the waves of the information sea. I take dives here and there. I look at the horizon. I take in information. Analyze them. Make sense of it. Learn new things. Try new ideas with other conscious beings. Collaborate on projects. Help the world. Help myself. Grow as an individual.

Intermission Hub

A strong capsule to protect me from the outside world while I'm unconscious.

This is where I disappear. I go unconscious. I die. I turn myself off. For whatever purpose there might be. Perhaps I want to be nostalgic about sleeping. Perhaps I have nothing better to do than sleep. Maybe I want to speed things up. Let the world roar by me while I stay in deep frozen sleep. I tell my muse to wake me when it’s time. Maybe I’d leave that time up to my muse.

Entertainment Hub

Steammachine. Not exactly what I had in mind but...

A place to play around. Maybe play games. Socialize. Be competitive. Be social. Easygoing. Relax and be playful.

The View

View from up above. Sci-fi City Downtown by Jadrienc.

A place high up in the clouds. Where I can look down. Or up maybe. Depending on the circumstances. I see other buildings. Clean air. A place where I can say, “Nice view” and be satisfied. I feel a breeze. Wind. Ah.

Personal Med Bay

Medical Pod from Prometheus

To keep me healthy. Why go to the doctor when I can have it all diagnosed by my fellow AI friend. Clean. Free of germs. Top of the line technology.

Morph Room

Future clothing room. I line up all my shells. My morphs. My bodies. I pick and choose what I want to be that day. Genderless mechanical shell for Monday? What about a hot girl with life like synthetic skin tomorrow? And the day after that? Let’s go flying in my Aeromorph. Visiting mars a week from now? We got a morph for that too.

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