Monday, February 24, 2014

Relationships of the Future

I think relationships in the future will radically change. With radical life extensions and morphological freedom just beyond the horizon, I find it hard to believe that things such as the idea of love, marriage, relationships and such will remain unchanged. They will be drastically different. We will be drastically different. I can feel the ground beneath us, shifting, writhing, and trembling. In fact, so different, I think, that it kind of scares me. Frightens me. But then again, I’m always scared. So what do I know, right?

Romantic relationships. Love. These things have always been with us. They are upheld with the utmost respect. They are the bane of life, the source of happiness, at the same time. We have ideas of soul mates, true love, and we like to fantasize about them. We crave them, and at the same time, we want them to go away, the feels. Such paradox. Much irony. So tragic.

In romantic relationships, at least from what I've seen and heard, a lot of people seem to be afraid of change. There was a short cartoon I saw, that basically said
“You have no idea, how scary it is, how frightening it is, to see someone you love so deeply, change ever so slightly, the way they walk, the way they talk, the way they stand, the way they breathe. You have no idea.”
As someone who has never been in any serious romantic relationship I find it hard to relate, and yet, at the same time, to a degree, I think it’s safe to say that I can understand what is being said.

Imagine a future, where people can die whenever they want; a post-death society. Your lifespan is not capped at a certain age. You can die and even wake up from death when you feel like it. (Whatever that means.) A society where death is nothing but a long sleep. A time to rest your consciousness. To shut out the rest of world. Couple that with technological advancements in morphological freedom, where you can change and enhance your appearance and nature at a whim, just like that, change is something that will absolutely dominate our lives. Change. Change is all there will be.

And don’t lie. I've heard people say they don’t care about looks. It’s what inside that matters, they say. I scoff. Perhaps it’s just me. Perhaps it’s just a naive young little boy who doesn't know shit. I actually care about looks. Looks, appearances, are one of the defining aspects of a living organism. Of a human being. Appearances matter. I care about looks. And everyone does. Why do you people keep lying? Oh, I don’t care about looks. It’s what’s inside that matters. Ha!

What would romantic relationships be like in a future where individuals can live as long as they want and change their appearances and nature whenever they want? I think I can guarantee you, that given enough time and the technological means to achieve it, a guy called Adam can walk across the land of the far future and emerge as a gal called Eve.

People will change. Drastically. And when romantic desires, love, and relationships all hinge on the expectation of stagnation, of unchanging love, of ever-love, what will become of it in the future? Can your love keep up with the change. Or are you too afraid? Will your legs give out? Crumble to your knees and get left behind?

“How long will you be by my side? Forever. Till death do us apart.” - what funny words to say.

Change. Change is all there is. Change is all there ever will be. I suggest you welcome it.

“Welcome aboard The Change, sir. I suggest you buckle up.” It cranks.
“Wha-?” I stammer. And it leans in closely. Right next to my ears.
“You’re in for a ride, boy. You’re in for a ride.” It steams. It pats my shoulders.

Saturday, February 22, 2014

A Google Plus Post on Economic Disparity

I have to say the entire idea of a cruise ship is disgusting when there's still even a single homeless person. There really is no excuse. If we can build monsters like the ship above, we can house people. 

While I do really think that we can make the world a better place for all living creatures to live in, I just don't think we can do it under our current social structures and systems. While I would like every human being to have the means to live a decent life with all necessities covered I don't think our current form of economic systems like capitalism are able to support the notion.

  • Why do I have a Galaxy S3 smartphone in my hands when an African kid can't even drink water?
  • Why am I able to take a shower without even worrying about water shortage when there are people out there who can't even dare dream of a hot shower?
  • Why are we building spaceships when we can't even get rid of poverty in our own dam country? (BTW, I just love space ships, NASA and stuff. A big fan.)

(These are some of the questions that run parallel to your "If we can build monsters like the ship above, we can house people." statement.)

I'd think about these questions from time to time. Am I evil? Am I selfish enough to do all these selfish things? What can I do to help people who can't appreciate the finer things in life that I can?

I don't think I'm evil. I'm not the culprit behind this huge economic disparity. We, as individuals are not the main culprit. We as a whole, that is who is responsible. The systems we've built. They are the culprit. They just suck at resource distribution. The individuals, we're just some of the gears stuck inside the whole machine. We should dislodge ourselves, free ourselves from this horrible machine we've built. (That is, if we have a plan to stick to after we free ourselves.)

In the future, I hope to live in a society where everyone has their basic needs like eating, clothing, and a place to rest guaranteed. You don't have to worry about making money to support your family or yourself, you don't have to worry about starving, you don't have to worry about not being able to have a house to rest in. Ah, I can dream.

This is from a Google Plus comment I wrote as a response to user +Serj Enoch's comment. I thought I'd save it for whatever purposes.

Monday, February 17, 2014

Religious Destruction of a Human Being

Someone close to me is religious. And it’s very destructive. It aches my heart to see someone as goodhearted as her to not be able to really comprehend the things she says about this world and other people. On one side you have an angel of love who is understanding, smart, goodhearted. On the other hand you have a twisted, bigoted, evil bitch who has God on her side.

Those Japanese fools got what they had coming. They deserve it. It’s God’s righteous punishment. –whenever Japan gets struck by earthquakes and all those horrible disasters.
They deserve it. It’s God’s will they got bombed. -whenever someone gets bombed and they’re not in the same cult as she is.
Russia is being punished for all the drugs they give to children. –wut?

Up there. Some of what my mother says. And every time she says something like this I am outraged. I never show it though. Inside, I am angry. But soon, that anger subsides, and it is replaced with pity and sadness. Pity for my mother and all the religious bigots out there who share similar behavioral patterns with her. And although I want to show her a piece of my mind, alas, I am too powerless right now. My survival lies with my parents for the time being. I am also afraid. Afraid that if I blow my casket and show her the things I understand now, she wouldn't be able to take it. All I do now, is wait for the religious storm to be over. Sometimes sniping in some witty remarks that aren't too confrontational. I believe that I will be able to fully speak my mind once I have my own place to stay and a job. Until then, I guess I’ll have to storm through it.

I hate talking about religion. I've had my fair share of religious debates and I am absolutely sick of it. But the environment I live in doesn't give a shit about it. I want to try and steer clear of anything to do with religion in my sacred blog but it will make some appearances at times. I'll try not to. Shit religion you, you! (Shakes fist)

Sunday, February 16, 2014

The Launch

Silent. It took off, the rocket. I could see it first. From a few kilometers away. And then I could hear it. The shockwave hit me, and it was wonderful. Green. I was atop a tree. Blue skies. Smoke roaring. The birds took flight. And the rocket went away. Flew up, and up, and up. “Help me up, will you?” someone said from below. I looked down. She held out her hand. I helped her up and looked towards the sky again. The rocket had disappeared. Among the clouds. Leaving behind a trail of smoke. “It’s beautiful…” she murmured. I agreed. Silence started to return. One step at a time. Pushing away the roar. And the sky was as blue as ever. I could see beyond it. The stars. Planets. The void. And we were lost in awe. We were both lost in grandeur. And we both looked forward to it. 

Friday, February 14, 2014

Part Man, Part Machine, All Cop

So here are some unregulated stream of thoughts that flew past me as I walked out of the movie having just watched Robocop (2014). Let me just say that I’m a big fan of the original Robocop (1987), and to tell the truth, I wasn't looking forward to the remake. Boy, was I wrong. I loved the new remake. It had some flaws, some problems with the villain, but overall it was a great experience, especially the sound design(the effects) and Joel Kinnaman's portrayal of our Alex Murphy, the Robocop.

Movie poster for Robocop(1987)

There was a scene where Robocop is being fed data from the police. All the files, footage, and reports needed to bring justice to Detroit. Tons and tons of it. Tons of information to bring crime down to its knees and blow its head off. Imagine how that must feel for a cop, who is filled to the brim with a sense of justice, motivated, strong, and driven. The ultimate cop. He says “I have to do something.” So eager. And I could really feel it. Inside, I was going “Oh, man… this is what all cops should be like.”

Raymond Sellars, the head of Omnicorp, is at trial trying to let his robots loose on American soil. The people of American won’t have that. They don’t like it. Why? According to one of the largest proponents of this anti-robot movement in America, it’s because robots can’t feel. According to this guy, they don’t have what we humans have; morals and feels. It’s all about the feels man. And that’s why we can’t have fast, efficient, lifesaving robots on American soil. They don’t have the feels…

And there I am, shaking my head, cocking it sideways. So typical. I mean, movies, come on, can’t you come up with something more compelling against the use of robots in law enforcement and military use. All you can come up with is ...“Because feels?”

Movie poster for Robocop(2014)
Why would you want a robot with unnecessary emotions to do the job of law enforcement? Why would you want an emotional doctor doing open heart surgery on you son? Why would you want an emotional soldier go into battle and have all of his teammates killed? Sure, emotions have their uses, and it’s perfectly fine to have them. However, you do not want them to hinder or cloud your judgment in certain situations such as law enforcement, military operations, or medical procedures.

There was also a scene of a protester holding up a sign reading “Robot’s can’t love like we do.” Here’s a question I’d like to ask that person. “Do you have any idea what love is? Come on, you seem to know all about this thing called love. What is it?”

A question I've always pondered on came up again. What does it mean to be human? It this even a valid question to ask? Does it have an answer?

And people seem to cling to this idea of emotion. They just love the fact that they can feel. They can’t seem to let it go. They just can’t. Emotion. Is it really that special? Or is it way overrated?

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Intelligence Achieved Through Digital Evolution

I was lying in bed, and I started thinking about evolution and artificial intelligence. Biological evolution and artificial intelligence. Hmmmm….

Could we perhaps evolve intelligence by starting with simple self-replicating codes let loose on the internet? And maybe those codes, like biological life, reproduce, make copies of themselves with slight variations in their codes. Could a program write and repair her own code? Add more to it? Shed unnecessary code? Just like biological evolution. Maybe further along the line, after many generations and iterations of those self-replicating codes, some of them could start clumping together, building survival machines. Modular survival machines. What if those codes could communicate with each other? Swap this module out for something better suited to the job or environment.

A code that writes its own code, makes mutations to it, replicates, and propagates throughout the internet. A digital evolution.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

A Conversation Between Me and Me

"I want to experience what no human has ever experienced before. I want to feel emotions what no human has ever felt before. I want to know things what no human has ever known before. " I say.

I hear silence.

"And you will accomplish this, how?" I ask.

"By becoming more than human. By becoming transhuman. Eventually, maybe even posthuman."

"And what does it mean to be more than human? " I ask, intrigued.

I look back at me, with a nervous smile. " I... I don't know. I don't know."

I pause for a moment and return my gaze to the window.

"I guess we should find out."

Thursday, February 6, 2014


A while back I wrote the things I thought would be good to focus on as a species.

  • Clean Free Energy for All
  • Radical Life Extension
  • Super Intelligence
  • Morphological Freedom
  • Reformed Social System
  • Universal Social Well Being
I had a particular interest in morphological freedom and super intelligence. I've now narrowed down on what sort of field I should think about entering. I would love to do all of them, but sadly, I doubt my brain isn't good enough. I have to focus on things, at least until I develop some kind of super intelligence.
  • Biomechatronics
  • Neuroengineering
  • Aerospace Engineering
Now, I just have to trim some of these candidates, too. Or do I? I dunno, I really want study all of them. I'm gonna have to sit on this for some time. Hmmmmmm....

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Future Haven

The haven of my future. A place where I might be able to call home. Where I might feel at rest. Sort of like a vampire’s haven from World of Darkness. What would it consist of?

The Cold Room

An environment not connected to the net. It’s detached. Unconnected. It’s all alone. No wireless signals. No digital gadgets. Just old, comfy furniture. A place only I can access. This is my safe house. Or at least, as safe as can be. A place to hide. A place to disappear from the grid. From all the chatter.

Information Hub
Science Fiction Server Room by user Grimmsorg

This is where I ride the waves of the information sea. I take dives here and there. I look at the horizon. I take in information. Analyze them. Make sense of it. Learn new things. Try new ideas with other conscious beings. Collaborate on projects. Help the world. Help myself. Grow as an individual.

Intermission Hub

A strong capsule to protect me from the outside world while I'm unconscious.

This is where I disappear. I go unconscious. I die. I turn myself off. For whatever purpose there might be. Perhaps I want to be nostalgic about sleeping. Perhaps I have nothing better to do than sleep. Maybe I want to speed things up. Let the world roar by me while I stay in deep frozen sleep. I tell my muse to wake me when it’s time. Maybe I’d leave that time up to my muse.

Entertainment Hub

Steammachine. Not exactly what I had in mind but...

A place to play around. Maybe play games. Socialize. Be competitive. Be social. Easygoing. Relax and be playful.

The View

View from up above. Sci-fi City Downtown by Jadrienc.

A place high up in the clouds. Where I can look down. Or up maybe. Depending on the circumstances. I see other buildings. Clean air. A place where I can say, “Nice view” and be satisfied. I feel a breeze. Wind. Ah.

Personal Med Bay

Medical Pod from Prometheus

To keep me healthy. Why go to the doctor when I can have it all diagnosed by my fellow AI friend. Clean. Free of germs. Top of the line technology.

Morph Room

Future clothing room. I line up all my shells. My morphs. My bodies. I pick and choose what I want to be that day. Genderless mechanical shell for Monday? What about a hot girl with life like synthetic skin tomorrow? And the day after that? Let’s go flying in my Aeromorph. Visiting mars a week from now? We got a morph for that too.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Death, Sleep, Acts, and Intermissions

Death & Sleep

Lately I've been thinking about the similarities between death and sleep. When I go to sleep at night I disappear. My neural storm is still quite active, but the essence of me, my consciousness is gone. I do not exist. Isn't this exactly what death must be? A lot of people think that when they die, if they don’t go to an afterlife they imagine that there will be eternal, cold darkness. This is most likely not the case. When you’re dead, you will not exist, just like when you are sleeping.

I see the wall between death and sleep crumbling. We do not fear going to sleep. Yet, we fear death. Perhaps it’s because of what comes before the moment of death. Pain. Suffering. Torment and anguish. Perhaps these things that precede death is what we are actually afraid of.

Death personified - The Grim Reaper
Imagine a future, where we can turn off our pain receptors off as we wish. At the moment of death, or maybe seconds or minutes before, we can turn our pain receptors off. In a future like this, which I think is technologically possible, death will be exactly like going to sleep. In a future like this, what would death mean to us as individuals? Trivial, perhaps. If the technology of mind uploading and backups were to exist, death would mean nothing but an unexpected nuisance. You were walking down the street and got hit by a passing bus. You calmly think ‘dam bus’ as your body gets shredded and your head goes flying off onto the road side. You close your eyes, just like you’re going to sleep. And soon you awake in your backup morph. It’s a fresh new day. Let’s start living again!

Death will be nothing but an extended sleeping session. Waking up after death will be like going to sleep and waking up the next morning. Just like we always do.

Acts & Intermissions

With death and sleep no longer differentiated, I think I’d like to call the time I am awake and conscious as Acts, and the time I don’t exist, when I am unconscious, as Intermissions. Like a play. One unbroken thread of conscious stream is an Act. The moments for when I don’t exist, an Intermission. Though getting rid of Intermissions entirely would be quite a new experience worth aiming for, do not worry about the occasional Intermissions you might have to go through. Sleep, death... they're just that. Intermissions. That's all they are.