Friday, January 24, 2014

Personal Identity and Change

I've always been fascinated with the idea of self, and those big questions we ask ourselves once in a while. Who am I? What am I? What makes me different from all the other fellow humans? And I would try to define myself, you know, I thought that would help. All those attempts at trying to define “me”. No doubt it was a mind boggling question, a question that seemed to beg for an answer, yet a question that was ever receding, over the hills, far far away…

Then after I graduated high-school I had much more time and energy to look into things. The internet was a great help. Thanks, internet, you deserve it. I started uncovering all kinds of new ideas like the ship of Theseus, swampman, technological singularity, etc. More questions arose. The more questions I had, the more hungry I got, the more energetic and optimistic about life I became.

There’s a wonderful dialogue from the Ghost in the Shell(1995) between Major and the Puppet Master.
Major: You talk about redefining my identity. I want a guarantee that I can still be myself.
Puppet Master: There isn't one. Why would you wish to? All things change in a dynamic environment. Your effort to remain what you are is what limits you.
There’s another quote I’d like to share by David Zindell from his book The Broken God(1992).
What is a human being then? 
A seed. 
An acorn that is unafraid to destroy itself in growing into a tree.
The dialogue between Major and the Puppet Master was one of the most thought provoking words I have ever heard from a movie character.
Your effort to remain what you are is what limits you.
Ah, how bold is that, eh? I love it.

Many Versions, Many Iterations

Looking at the Android Version History we've gone through, let’s see, Android 1.0, Android 1.1, Android 1.5, Android 1.6 – now we've just passed Android 4.2, Android 4.2.1, Android 4.2.2, Android 4.3 and now finally Android 4.4. Each android different from its predecessor, perhaps better, more stable, faster, more efficient. Our smartphones carry numbers behind them, perhaps to signify how much they have changed, to show the world how better they have become.

Should I put numbers behind my name? You know, to emphasize the fact that I am clearly a different person than when I was born? When I was younger? I’m 20 year’s old now. I’m pretty sure I am vastly different from who I was 5 years ago, let alone 20. And yet, everyone that I know of insists on calling me by the name I was given 20 years ago. Don’t you understand people? He doesn't exist! He’s been replaced… by me.

Have I killed him? Oh, dear. I… I don’t know. Did I? I certainly don’t remember me physically killing him. But he is no longer, and I am. Perhaps I could say that I’ve overwritten him. Yes, that sounds better. I didn't kill him, I just overwrote him.

Transcendence(2014) Trailer

There’s a scene in the trailer for the movie Transcendence(2014) starring Johnny Depp where Max(Paul Bettany’s character) says (at the 1:18 mark) :
“Assuming that this works, if we missed anything, a thought, a childhood memory, how will you know who you’re dealing with?”
Well, Max. You forgot your own childhood memories, at least most of them or some of them, decades ago. Does this mean we should no longer consider you… you? (On second thoughts, that’s a great idea. We should consider you a different being. Everyone should call you Max 2.0 now. Or maybe Max 2.01.7) We do this every single day, Max. We forget things here and there, we go to sleep, we wake up, we only remember a couple of things from the day before, does that mean your significant other wakes up next to you and screams that you’re no longer Max?

Change is Everything

Change. That’s all there is to it. Really. I think. And I feel liberated. Liberated I am indeed. I feel no need to strictly define myself. I am not a static hunk of unchanging meat. I am in constant motion. Perpetual change. Numerous iterations. Many versions. So don’t be afraid to nod your head when someone comes up and says you've changed. Nod your head. Bang your head in agreement. Yes! I have changed! Isn't it awesome!? Embrace the change. Welcome it. And you shall be... liberated.

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