Friday, March 7, 2014

Words, Languages, Ideas and Concepts

There is no doubt that language has played a very significant role in the general advancement of the human race. It’s allowed us to convey our thoughts and information through time and space, allowing the preservation of information and knowledge through centuries and millenniums.

However, that is not to say that words and sentences, language in general, is flawless. Languages and words, they are not perfect. They get the job done, but they are far from perfect information relay mechanisms. We can say one thing, and mean another, someone listening may get the wrong idea, sometimes we can’t find the appropriate words to wrap our ideas in… there is plenty of room for misinterpretation. Language; while it is a wonderful communication system and helps the proliferation of ideas, at the same time, it hampers and restricts the growth of intellectual conversation.

Simply put, we start to put too much emphasize on the words and sentences themselves instead of tackling the ideas and concepts behind these superficial tools of communication. We try to figure out what this particular word means to that particular speaker, we spend tremendous energy in trying to define things, trying to restrict things.

Come on people. Let’s not obsess and trip over the words themselves. Words are only vessels in which we try to convey meanings, thoughts, and ideas. They are what is truly important. Let’s not fight turf wars over definitions themselves. We should be focusing on the idea and concept behind the words and not the words themselves.

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