Saturday, September 27, 2014

What Am I? What Are We?

We are each of us … a multitude.
-Carl Sagan

A quote by Carl Sagan that always had me wonder on the nature of identity. What is my identity? Who am I? What is this “I” I speak of? When I say “me”, what am I actually talking about? Should I be considered a single identity or a collective? Why should I care?

What would it feel like to identify as a collective? What would it feel like for me to be called “them”? What if there was no “me”? Only “we”. To think and talk in plural. How would it impact this entity? Would it increase our empathy?

I've decided to try identifying as a collective, a true multitude, not just on the cellular level, but on a psychological level. I will try and replace some of my vocabulary such as “me” and “I” with “us” and “we”. It will take some time to get used to it, but we’d like to try it out. Here are some ground rules;

  1. Replace all singular pronouns with plurals. (added on 2014.09.27)

We've only come up with one ground rule for now, we’ll try to add more in the future if necessary.

There’s something else we’d like to add to this post. After having researched a little bit of non-monogamous relationship for a school project we got interested. We were never really interested in relationships. Monogamous relationships for life certainly didn't seem interesting. Too boring.

However, we thought, hmm, as long as the relationships weren't blockading our development perhaps being in one couldn't be too bad. Perhaps it could even be a good thing. So we've decided to take the plunge, with a slight twist. We will try out a non-monogamous relationship within our own collective. We will love our own members of this collective, trust them, learn with them, experience with them, forgive them when they make a mistake, help them in times of need. A self polygamous relationship? How brain frying. We love things like this.